• 在国外度过一个学期 in beautiful 西班牙塞维利亚 for the same cost as a semester on campus in Maine.
  • 享受课外生活 with a variety of activities, clubs, volunteer opportunities and outings. 旅行和体验西班牙和欧洲其他地方.
  • 体验西班牙文化 through activities and excursions to sites of cultural importance in and around Seville.
  • 摩洛哥之旅 参观另一种古今文化. 参观 正规澳门赌场网络丹吉尔校区.
  • 学习和/或提高你的西班牙语语言技能 with an intensive language program (no prior Spanish necessary).
  • 与你的专业保持一致 and meet UNE requirements through on-site courses in the lab sciences and humanities.
  • 选修应用微生物学、解剖学 & Physiology II, or Organic Chemistry with onsite labs at the host university. 学习西班牙语, earn Advanced Studies credits in history and political science, and take international business and culture classes taught in English.


安达卢西亚的首府, Seville was one of the last footholds of the Moorish empire that ruled the Iberian Peninsula. It is home to the ingenious barber of Seville and the tempestuous Carmen.

Though the city preserves its past, modern Seville is the commercial hub of Andalusia. 对于一个不到800人的城市来说,000, 塞维利亚提供令人惊叹的文化活动, 从弗拉门戈舞到古典舞, 流行音乐和爵士音乐会.



To further your language knowledge and cultural understanding, 你将住在塞维利亚的一个西班牙寄宿家庭. Host families typically have two students in their home and provide meals and laundry service. You'll be within walking distance of a metro or bus stop, enabling you to commute to the university by public transportation.


导游多日游览格拉纳达, 西班牙和丹吉尔, 摩洛哥都包括在这个出国留学项目中, 以及塞维利亚的文化之旅. You'll also have the opportunity to volunteer in local schools — and those with advanced Spanish language skills may also volunteer at a local hospital.


You'll be met at the airport in Seville and immediately begin a three-day orientation to introduce you to the country, 文化, 以及学术项目. The orientation provides both structured activities and independent sightseeing. Ongoing support will be provided to you throughout your stay in Seville.


You will enroll in semester courses taught in English at Pablo de Olavide University (UPO), 西班牙's newest public university with a student population of 9,000. The modern campus is located just 5 miles outside historic Seville and is easily accessible by city transit. The courses listed below provide numerous options that will enable you to stay on track with your UNE major. 你还将参加西班牙语课程.

Choose at least one Spanish course and 3 or 4 of the following other courses taught in English at UPO. You will receive transfer credit for courses taken at UPO as outlined in the course list below, with the exception of the Biology and Organic Chemistry courses, 哪些是正规澳门赌场网络的课程,哪些是你的课程, 因此, 获得UNE机构学分. 所有课程每门都是三学分, with the exception of the Intensive Spanish course taken prior to the start of the regular semester, 也就是秋天一学分,春天两学分. An 转学课程申请表 must be completed and submitted to the 全球 Education Program office during the course registration period.



  • 学费最多为18个学分
  • 住房、膳食和洗衣
  • 专注的领导和支持
  • On-campus extracurricular activities, gym, and workshops
  • 出发前和现场培训计划
  • 文化活动,当地游览和实地考察


你将在塞维利亚度过16-18周. Fall semester students arrive in Seville in late August and return home in mid-December. Spring semester students arrive in early January and return in late May.


学生必须有2分.最低绩点75分. No Spanish experience is necessary, and all majors are welcome. 学生必须自带笔记本电脑.


学生 will keep all UNE scholarships and financial aid and are billed the same tuition as for a traditional on-campus semester, 加上标准的UNE留学食宿费用. 学生 are required to arrange their own flight to Seville's San Pablo Airport (SVQ).


学生 participating in a UNE semester abroad program will be automatically awarded a 500美元全球教育奖学金. 学生也可以申请 唐斯家庭旅游奖学金. 这项奖学金是由布朗夫人设立的. 伊娃米. 唐斯的已故丈夫雅克. 唐斯是正规澳门赌场网络一位深受喜爱的历史教授. The Downs family are champions of global education and UNE’s campus in 摩洛哥. The scholarship was established to provide support for students who might not otherwise be able or inclined to participate in a semester abroad at the UNE Tangier Campus or other UNE semester-abroad programs. 

  • 秋季学期海外项目截止日期:4月1日
  • Deadline for Spring semester abroad programs: November 1

Other outside scholarships may be available; visit the 奖学金机会清单 或联系环球教育团队了解更多详情.


准备去西班牙申请一个学期? 填写我们的表格 在线申请 or visit us at the 全球 Education desk on the 2nd floor of the Commons or Decary Hall 126.







